Theorists on humour (yes, there are people out there who spend their lives working out why we laugh) all agree that one of the first sorts of a humour any person learns is toilet humour: bum jokes. It’s what leaves kids laughing hysterically, and it can still tickle an adult’s funny bone when done just right. One of the greatest parts of being a plumber working in Sydney, or indeed anywhere in the world, is that you get to see a lot of interesting and amusing bathroom signs – the birthplace of all toilet humour. Here’s just a few of our favourites:
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1. The All-Inclusive Toilet:
It’s nice to know that even aliens and robots have a place to pee.
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2. The Research Purposes:
Well that sure puts me at ease.
3. The Hive:
Maybe wait until you find another toilet.
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4. The Strangely Confusing:
Something Freudian going on here…I wonder what they could be implying?
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5. The Subtly Honest:
No hard feelings, okay?
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6. The Strangely True:
I suppose that’s right, in a very odd way.
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7. The Strangely Specific:
Wait, can women without fish still use this toilet?
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8. The Helpful Hint:
Just in case you forget how going the toilet works.
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9. The Truthful Representation:
In Japan, they know exactly what face you’re going to pull when you go to the toilet.
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10. The ‘I Hope I Got This Right’:
The last thing you want when you’re desperate to pee is a little brain teaser. Seriously, I’m stumped.
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